Social Studies
A unique feature of the social studies curriculum is the integration of four key social studies disciplines (geography, economics, civics, and history). The curriculum is organized into knowledge and skill objectives that engage the student through problem solving, analytical reasoning and writing. Many social studies activities are integrated with other curriculum areas.
European Foundations of America:
Students will learn about the major groups and individuals which led to the European exploration and colonization of North America.
Creation of the United States
Students will study the establishment of the Thirteen Colonies and their growing tension with Britain. The course will explore the Revolutionary War and the establishment of an independent United States, focusing in particular on the structure and function of the United States Constitution.
Expansion of a Nation
Students will understand the growth of the United States, including the causes and effects of territorial expansion across the continent in the early 1800s. The debate over slavery in newly acquired land will be a key point of focus.
Civil War and Reconstruction
Students will investigate the war which tore apart the United States, including major events, individuals, and costs of the Civil War. The course will then address the period of Reconstruction, in which various attempts were made to rebuild the nation.
Industrialization and Immigration
This unit will center on industrialization in the late 1800s and its transformative effects on America and the world. Students will also learn about various factors which led to increased emigration to the United States.
Emerging Power & World War I
Students will study the ways in which various nations developed world empires. In addition, students will investigate the steps which led to the outbreak of the Great War and the effects of the conflict itself.
The Roaring 20s & the Great Depression
This unit will explore changes which took place in the decade after the Great War before turning to the Great Depression, in which students will learn the causes of and responses to the economic disaster of the 1930s.
Prewar Years & World War II
In the last unit of the year, students will focus their attention on World War II, starting with events and individuals which led to its beginning. The unit will also discuss major events from the war across the globe and its impact on the world.