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Fort Couch Middle School

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Enrichment Resource Center

Formed in the spring of 1992, the Enrichment Resource Team was created by restructuring the existing support and enrichment team enabling ALL STUDENTS to benefit from a variety of supportive learning experiences. 

Enrichment Resource Team members specialize in techniques that enable students to better understand and more fully experience a learning opportunity. These strategy experts support students who are experiencing difficulty by making it possible for the student to work with a teacher who has expertise in the specific content area. They are also available to enrich the learning experiences of students who are eager to investigate issues beyond the regular curriculum. 

The Enrichment Resource Team includes members of the faculty involved with Gifted Education, Learning Support, Computer Literacy, Library Science, along with Math, Science and Reading specialists. Each of these strategy experts is available to work with students on an individual or small group basis to help those students experiencing difficulties or to provide enriching experiences where appropriate. In addition the Learning Support teachers and Reading Specialists are part of the inclusive educational process in the regular academic area content classes.

Classroom teachers may also take advantage of their expertise when planning or implementing daily and special activities. Identified Special Needs students still receive services designated by their IEP in addition to the other options now open to all students. Although most referrals to the Enrichment Resource Team originate with the regular classroom teacher, both parents and students have the option to request support. Request forms are available in the Resource Center and the Office.