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Fort Couch Middle School

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Welcome to Fort Couch Middle School!

serving students in grades 7 and 8
Fort Couch principals and secretaries
Fort Couch has a rich tradition of academic and extra-curricular innovation for the middle level student. The educational program at Fort Couch has been developed with a clear understanding of the students' academic, physical, emotional and social characteristics and needs. Additionally, the curriculum and activities allow students to explore and begin to develop their creativity, strengths, and passions. The Fort Couch staff works hard to build connections with students and parents to ensure quality relationships and partnerships.

School hours:

  • Start time: 8:55 a.m. (Students should arrive between 8:40-8:50 a.m.)
  • Dismissal begins: 3:35 p.m. (Drivers should arrive no earlier than 3:30 p.m.)

School Office

Principal: Ms. Erin Stehle
412.833.1600 x 3001
Assistant Principal:  Mr. Gordon Mathews
412.833.1600 x 3002
Head Secretary:  Mrs. Sharon Lacey
412.833.1600 x 3000
Attendance Secretary:  Ms. Jill Polfus
412.833.1600 x 3004
School Nurse:  Mrs. Annette Petrarca
412.833.1600 x 3005
School Counselor:  Ms. Jessica Robinson
412.833.1600 x 3010
School Counselor:  Ms. Sarah Matrascia
412.833.1600 ext. 3108